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  • >Arrival-Date:
  • >Audit-Trail:
  • >Category:
  • >Class:
  • >Confidential:
  • >Description:
  • >Environment:
  • >Fix:
  • >How-To-Repeat:
  • >Number:
  • >Organization:
  • >Originator:
  • >Priority:
  • >Release:
  • >Responsible:
  • >Severity:
  • >State:
  • >Submitter-Id:
  • >Synopsis:
  • >Unformatted:
  • a

  • an example
  • analyzed state
  • appending PRs
  • Arrival-Date field
  • Audit-Trail field
  • automatic notification
  • b

  • bad Problem Reports
  • bifrabulator
  • blank PR template
  • c

  • Category field
  • change-request class
  • Class field
  • closed state
  • command line options
  • comment section in the PR template
  • completed Problem Report
  • completion in Emacs
  • Confidential field
  • confidentiality in PRs
  • critical severity problems
  • Cygnus Support
  • d

  • database similarities
  • default PR template
  • default site
  • Description field
  • details about send-pr
  • doc-bug class
  • duplicate class
  • e

  • editing and sending PRs
  • effective problem reporting
  • Emacs
  • Enumerated data types
  • Environment field
  • errors
  • example of a completed PR
  • example of a default template
  • example of a list of valid categories
  • example of a state change
  • example PR
  • example Problem Report
  • f

  • feedback state
  • field format
  • fields
  • fields - list
  • final state (closed)
  • Fix field
  • format
  • From: header
  • g

  • generating new PRs
  • GNU software support
  • h

  • helpful hints
  • high priority problems
  • How-To-Repeat field
  • i

  • Imaginary Software, Ltd.
  • information to submit
  • initial state (open)
  • installation
  • installation procedure
  • interactive interface
  • Internet standard RFC-822
  • invalid Problem Reports
  • invoking send-pr
  • invoking send-pr from Emacs
  • invoking send-pr from the shell
  • k

  • kinds of helpful information
  • l

  • life-cycle of a Problem Report
  • listing valid categories
  • low priority problems
  • m

  • mail header fields
  • mail header section
  • medium priority problems
  • MultiText data types
  • n

  • name completion in Emacs
  • non-critical severity problems
  • Number field
  • o

  • open state
  • Organization field
  • Originator field
  • other mail
  • p

  • PR confidentiality
  • Priority field
  • PRMS database fields
  • PRMS fields - list
  • Problem Report data types
  • Problem Report format
  • Problem Report states
  • Problem Report template
  • Problem Reports
  • r

  • related mail
  • Release field
  • Reply-To: header
  • Report all the facts!
  • Responsible field
  • Responsible-Changed-<From>-<To>: in >Audit-Trail:
  • Responsible-Changed-By: in >Audit-Trail:
  • Responsible-Changed-When: in >Audit-Trail:
  • Responsible-Changed-Why: in >Audit-Trail:
  • s

  • sample Problem Report
  • saving related mail
  • send-pr fields
  • send-pr within Emacs
  • sending PRs
  • serious severity problems
  • setting a default site
  • Severity field
  • shell invocation
  • state change example
  • State field
  • state---analyzed
  • state---closed
  • state---feedback
  • state---open
  • state---suspended
  • State-Changed-<From>-<To>: in >Audit-Trail:
  • State-Changed-By: in >Audit-Trail:
  • State-Changed-When: in >Audit-Trail:
  • State-Changed-Why: in >Audit-Trail:
  • states of Problem Reports
  • Subject: header
  • Submitter-Id field
  • subsequent mail
  • support class
  • suspended state
  • sw-bug class
  • Synopsis field
  • t

  • template
  • template comment section
  • Text data types
  • To: header
  • u

  • Unformatted field
  • Using and Porting GNU CC
  • using send-pr
  • using send-pr from within Emacs
  • v

  • valid categories

  • Go to the first, previous, next, last section, table of contents.