SCO Skunkware is a collection of useful and entertaining software for use on SCO platforms. The CD-ROM contains many public domain or freely distributable programs including the GNU C Compiler, GNU utilities, audio drivers, Technical Library Supplements, graphics libraries, games, audio and video tools, graphics utilities, and much much more.
FAQ A brief introduction with answers to frequently asked questions about Skunkware
Release Notes Installation, configuration, setup, and other issues
Nosepack Non-stop Open Source E-commerce Package
SCO Skunkware 2.0 The 1994 release of Skunkware was called SCO Skunkware 2.0. This release was for SCO ODT and SCO UNIX 3.2v4 systems.
SCO Skunkware 5 The 1995 release of Skunkware was called SCO Skunkware 5. This release was for SCO OpenServer systems.
SCO Skunkware 96 SCO Skunkware 96 was for SCO OpenServer, SCO Internet FastStart, and SCO UnixWare systems (vintage 1996). This release served largely as an update and add-on for SCO Skunkware 5.
SCO Skunkware 98 The 1998 release of Skunkware was called SCO Skunkware 98
SCO Skunkware 7 The 1999 release of Skunkware was called SCO Skunkware 7
SCO Skunkware 2000 The 2000 release of Skunkware was called SCO Skunkware 2000. However, it was about this time that Marketing got heavily involved and tried to rename it something more palatable so they came up with "Open Source Software Supplement". This release included installable packages for OpenServer 5, UnixWare 2, and UnixWare 7.
Linux Emulation Lxrun is a user-space program that allows users of SCO OpenServer, UnixWare, and Sun Solaris x86 operating systems to run ELF and a.out format Linux binaries. It was originally written by Mike Davidson of SCO, and is now maintained as a Skunkware project.
Papers, Presentations, Talks, & Seminars SCO Skunkware contributors delivered many presentations, technical white papers, publications, talks, seminars, and other valuable assistance to the SCO Developer Community.
Technical Library Supplements Skunkware releases included the Technical Library Supplements
Savage Rabbit Art Gallery Early Skunkware releases included the Savage Rabbit Art Gallery of SCO employee contributed art
Doctorwhen's Fractal Funhouse A collection of galleries exhibiting a wide variety of fractals created by Skunkware creator Ron Record
Skunkware ISO Download SCO Skunkware 2006 for SCO OpenServer 6 CD
OpenServer 6 packages Browse and selectively download packages for OpenServer 6
OpenServer 5 packages Browse and selectively download packages for OpenServer 5
UnixWare® 2 packages Browse and selectively download packages for UnixWare 2
UnixWare® 7 / Open UNIX® 8 packages Browse and selectively download packages for Open UNIX 8 and UnixWare 7
OpenServer 6 Source Archives Browse and selectively download OpenServer 6 source archives including the port of OpenOffice to OpenServer 6 performed by John Wolfe and Ron Record.
OSR5/UW7 Source Archives Browse and selectively download OpenServer 5 and UnixWare 7 source archives
Microsoft Windows Clients View the Microsoft Windows (TM) clients
Licenses Use and redistribution of these packages
Support Report problems, make suggestions, get help
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